Bramley Article January 2019

The Christmas period is a well known time for over indulging - drinking far more than normal and eating more than your own body weight in food.

Whilst I am sure there was an element of this for Southwell Running Club members, it didn't stop people taking part in plenty of events during the busy December period.

There were events that the club held, one being the Upton Predictor and another the Halam Hat Chase. The latter involves runners being set off at different intervals to tackle the six mile cross country course. The slowest runner sets off first wearing the Santa hat and then other runners are released to begin the chase to get the hat. The winner of this event is the person who finishes first wearing the hat and the award went to Jane Matthews this year (but not before the hat changed hands a few times!)

There was also the aptly named festive race, The Turkey Trot. This is a half marathon in Keyworth. I believe no actual turkeys took part, but ten SRC members did, including Penny Durance, Ian Beadles, Chloe Lucas, Brendan Parkinson, Katy Simpson, Darren Corbett, Bruce Danby, Samantha Ward, Anne Stefaniak, and Caroline Loom. All ten clocked impressive times on an undulating and difficult course. Congratulations!

If you are feeling over indulged and your New Year's resolution is to do more running, then why not join us at SRC? View our website to find out how you can get involved.

The Obsessive Runner