Bramley Article January 2023

Awards and successes.

Members of Southwell Running Club recently celebrated a successful year of running at their annual Awards Evening and Christmas dinner.

The club’s awards recognise both running success and outstanding contributions to different aspects of club life. This year the winner of the Ladies’ Grand Prix award was Carol Hayward with Izzy Pass as Runner Up. The Grand Prix Men’s Winner was Bill Lee with Simon Hughes as Runner Up. The club’s Runner’s Runner Award, which is voted for by club members went to Ben Parker for his outstanding support of all runners and his commitment to the club. The Outstanding Achievement Award went to Katherine Hall for her recent North Atlantic Coast Challenge and Ironman events.

The Mary Cochran Award, which is presented to a club member who has overcome adversity to carry on running, went to StevenTomlinson. The Cregg Cup, which is awarded to a club member who has made an outstanding contribution to cross country running went to Pam Dutton and finally this year’s Chairman’s Award to Stewart Lenton, for both his participation in numerous club events and his improved times. The annual draw for the club’s London Marathon Place was also held at the awards evening and Carol Hayward was successful in gaining the place, which returns to its pre-Covid date in April 2023.

The club held its annual Halam Hat chase just before Christmas and the winner this year was new member Alan Davidson. The Hat Chase has a tradition of members getting lost on the course and this year was no exception with Izzy Pass, Steven Tomlinson and Carol Hayward all finding themselves navigationally challenged on the route.

Five members of the club braved the icy December weather to participate in the Keyworth Turkey Trot half marathon. Katy Simpson and Penny Durance both finished first in their age groups. Finally Pam Dutton took part in the Wild Deer duathlon at Sherwood Pines and came first in her age group in a time of 1:25:41.

Southwell Running Club members would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year - come and join us on a Tuesday or Thursday eve or Saturday morning.


Ruby Runner