This is the last SRC article I will write. A real runner has volunteered to take the job on.
I started to write this article in 2011. I joined the running club when I was 38 years old about 25 years ago. Something made me put on my plimsolls’ and try to run round Crink Lane. On the second occasion another runner, Dave, was running the other way. He stopped to have a chat, told me about SRC and I went the following week.
There started my running career, which I am proud of; two half marathons in under 1½ hours, two marathons in 3:45 and two 10Ks in under 40 minutes. There has been a lot of panting, puffing, injuries and moaning about cross country and the cold and wet; but there have been times when running made me feel like a God. Let’s be honest it’s not often that happens.
The main attraction of SRC has always been the other runners. An hour soon passes by when you are chatting or gossiping.. So thanks to everyone I have run with.
So what will I do now? I will still be a keen gardener. Once after an article in which I gave some gardening advice, the then Chair said to me “Peter remember this is supposed to be a running article, not gardener’s world”. I am taking up tennis again, so STC watch out, here I come. I wonder if they need an article writer? Most importantly I will be spending time with my family and my beautiful grandsons; Michael, William and James. Three future runners, who knows?
The Retired Lazy Runner